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ISCAS 2007 New Orleans, Louisiana Tech University, Houston University


系統識別號: C09603057
計畫名稱: 參加國際會議暨大學參訪#
報告名稱: ISCAS 2007 New Orleans, Louisiana Tech University, Houston University
電子全文檔: C09603057_20042.pdf
報告日期: 96/11/12
報告書頁數: 6


計畫主辦機關: 國立中山大學 http://www.nsysu.edu.tw/
出國期間: 96/05/22 至 96/06/04
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
勞伯特律格 國立中山大學 電機工程學系 助理教授 教師


Louisiana Tech University offers a Biomedical Engineering Program with an B.S. and a Ph.D.track. The Biomedical Engineering Program at Louisiana Tech is one of only twenty two in the United States which is accredited by The Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) and was the seventh program to achieve this goal. Graduates of the program are well prepared for taking the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Established in 1972, the Biomedical Engineering Department remains as one of the oldest, largest and strongest such programs in the United States. The curriculum combined different subjects from the engineering disciplines and enriches it with medical expertise. This is a very interesting program, which might also be valuable for integration into the NSYSU framework. From Louisiana Tech we can learn a good program setup by following their requested set of learning outcomes for the Bachelors program, which are as follows. • An in-depth understanding of engineering principles and Biological/medical concepts in a core area of engineering. • A broad understanding of engineering, and scientific principles & responsibilities, and the ability to apply these principles to design and analysis. • A broad understanding of social, cultural, and ethical principles and responsibilities. • An ability to identify, define and solve complex problems that cut across disciplines. • An ability to apply math, science, and engineering to problems at the interface between engineering and biology. • An ability to communicate effectively using appropriate technology and efficiently use information resources. • An ability to work collaboratively in multi-disciplinary teams and understand team dynamics. • The ability to generate questions and hypotheses, design experiments that will provide meaningful answers, and collect and interpret measurements from both living and nonliving systems. • The ability to adapt to sociological and technological change. • A significant professional or research experience prior to graduation. • The ability to use modern engineering tools in experiments, analysis and design, and to assess the appropriateness of these tools. • An understanding of contemporary Biomedical Engineering applications of Technology and their uses in health care. The College of Technology at the University of Houston is divided into several Departments, including the Department of Engineering Technology, which is the most interesting for me. The department offers six Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees, a Master of Technology (M.T.) degree, and several minors associated with fields of study within the department. Three Bachelor of Science degrees have majors in Computer Engineering Technology, Electrical Power Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology. These degrees are accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The department will begin offering courses in fall 2007 for the newly approved B.S. in Biotechnology (pending approval by the Coordinating Board) under a US$1M grant from the Texas Workforce Commission and a US$145K NSF CCLI grant. Dr. Iyer is currently developing the undergraduate biotechnology degree program and curriculum. She is developing a project based curriculum in collaboration with biotech industry and academic partners to design courses that will align with industry standards and create new laboratory modules to integrate bioprocessing and nanobiotechnology and has an emphasis on environmental biotechnology. In addition she is developing training programs for incumbent biotech workers.


前往地區: 美國;
參訪機關: Louisiana Tech University, New OrleansHouston University, Houston
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: 學術交流


主題分類: 科學技術
施政分類: 推動全國整體科技發展